In Year 1 – 6 writing units follow a specific order to ensure the key aspects are explicitly taught and all learners can achieve. A typical unit will include:
- Hook – This could be linked to a book, film clips, wider curriculum areas, real life events etc. A clear audience and purpose is shared.
- Sentences - Sentence level work from the Sentence Progression Document.
- Analyse - Analysis of a range of model texts, examples and non-examples and vocabulary instruction
- Model - Scaffolded writing using teacher modelling
- Independent writing - plan, draft, edit
- Publish – children publish their final piece
Children in Reception have the chance to access a wide variety of writing opportunities as part of their continuous provision.
At Albert Village we believe that all pupils should have the opportunity to be fluent, confident readers who are able to successfully comprehend and understand a wide range of texts. We want pupils to develop a love of reading, a good knowledge of a range of authors and be able to understand more about the world in which they live, through the knowledge they gain from texts.
In KS1 children will have daily guided reading sessions of up to 30 minutes. Every child has an individual reading book, and communication is sent home through a reading record.
In KS2 a whole class reading approach is adopted. Each session will focus on, explicit teaching of new vocabulary, time to read (teachers to draw upon a range of strategies to support this e.g. echo reading), discussions and questioning of the text with written responses, if appropriate. Every child has a reading book, and a reading journal where they can record their independent reading and share with parents.
Spelling (KS2)
Spelling and word knowledge are key components in the process of learning to read and write. At Albert Village, we use Spelling Shed, which is fully aligned with the English National Curriculum.
Additionally, each year group have their own spelling lists taken from the statutory word lists. Throughout the year, teachers will ensure pupils have the opportunity to achieve their spelling award. (Reception will have opportunity, when judged as ready).
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation is taught mainly within the teaching of English lessons to make clear the purpose and relevance of a specific word, piece of punctuation or grammatical term. These elements will be explored through identifying them in texts and by practising them before applying them in their own writing.
At Albert Village Primary School our aims in teaching handwriting are that the pupils will:
- Achieve a neat, legible style with correctly formed letters in accordance with the cursive font.
- Develop flow and speed.
- Eventually produce the letters automatically and in their independent writing.
See progression map for more details.