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Working our way to wisdom; learning our way for life.


Physical Education has a vital role in every child’s education at Albert Village Primary School. We ensure that our curriculum develops the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding so that they can perform a range of physical activities with increasing competence and confidence. Through Get Set 4 PE, we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to lead an active and health lifestyle. We enable our children to make informed choices about participation in physical activity throughout their lives and help to promote a lifelong love of exercise and activity through traditional and alternative sports. We celebrate all achievements and, through sport, support children in developing resilience, determination, and team spirit. At Albert Village we pride ourselves on P.E being inclusive.



1. To promote physical activity and encourage healthy and active lifestyles.

2. Encourage pupils to be physically active for sustained periods of time.

3. Pupils engage in competitive sports and activities.

4. Develop the competence of pupils to excel in a broad range of physical activities

5. To develop positive attitudes to health, fitness, and the enjoyment of physical activity.

6. Develop a culture of reciprocal peer coaching

6. To ensure safe practice.



 1. To develop positive attitudes to participation in physical activity.

 2. To make informed decisions about the importance of exercise in their lives.

3. To acquire and develop skills in a range of physical activities and sports.

4. To learn how to select and apply skills appropriate to the activity being undertaken.

5. To set individual targets and compete against themselves as well as others individually and also as team members (with an understanding of what being a good team member means).

6. To respond to a variety of challenges in a range of physical activities and environments.

7. To take initiative, lead activities and focus on improving aspects of their own performance.
