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01283 217880 Arbor Twitter Term Dates

Working our way to wisdom; learning our way for life.

Sapphire Class (Reception)

Welcome to Reception


 My name is Mrs Limbert and I am the class teacher in Reception and EYFS lead. I am supported by Mrs Henchcliffe.

In reception we follow the EYFS framework.  The children have a balance of direct teaching, adult supported activities and child-initiated activities.

We follow a range of exciting topics throughout the year, which are enhanced by the sharing of lots of high-quality texts.


Our topics are:

Me and my world

Down in the woods

Winter and cold places

Kings and Queens

How things grow

Wheels in motion

How can you support at home?

Please read with your child daily. This includes sharing books that you read to them, as well as them reading to you. Please also practise the sound cards that come home.


We are providing lots of opportunities in school to develop the children’s fine motor skills. This will help them to hold their pencil firmly as they draw and write. Threading is a great way to develop fine motor skills, whether it is with beads or buttons, or making necklaces out of dried pasta. As is playing with construction toys, small toys and cutting and sticking activities. We also love dough disco at school. Playdoh is great for strengthening hands.


We support the children to become as independent as possible. Please support your child to learn how to put on and take off their own coats and jumpers, as well as being able to zip them up. Using a knife and fork is a really great skill that will help them at lunchtime.
