Uniform Information
Uniform can be purchased from
Pupils Schoolwear
35 West Street
De11 9DN
01283 224512
Reception & KS1
Navy Blue sweatshirt / cardigan
White polo shirt
Grey / black trousers
Grey / navy skirt / pinafore
Blue & white checked dress for summer
White / grey socks or grey tights
Black shoes
Navy Blue sweatshirt / cardigan
White shirt
School Tie
Blue & white checked dress for summer
Grey / black trousers
Grey / navy skirt / pinafore
White / grey socks or grey tights
Black shoes
PE kit
black shorts/joggers
white t-shirt
black trainers
black/navy hoody or school jumper
Reception outdoor learning
Wellington boots
Should you need any further assistance, or any more information, please contact the administration team within the school office.
We have tried to choose a range of clothes which children will enjoy wearing while we retain a style which is most appropriate for our school.
Regular physical education is an important part of the curriculum that we provide for children. On the days that your child has PE, we ask that they come into school dressed ready for their PE lesson. In cooler weather, they may wear either a black or navy hoody, or their usual school uniform jumper. Please make sure all items are named. Trainers with hard soles are not suitable for indoor P.E. wear as they may slip on the apparatus or floor.
As the children begin to play games they may require other P.E. kit. For example, children playing football must wear shin-pads for safety. Where this is the case, it will be communicated to parents separately.
It is a great help if all school clothes are named as so many become "misplaced".
Found items are regularly displayed, and unclaimed items are disposed of after one term.
Jewellery and goggles
Children should not wear jewellery at school as it can be dangerous on the playground and difficult to trace if it is lost. The only exception is stud earrings.
During P.E. or swimming, jewellery should not be worn as it can cause serious injury.
Children who need to wear goggles for swimming need to have a consent form signed by a parent. These can be obtained from the school office.