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Working our way to wisdom; learning our way for life.

Jet Class (Year 2)

Rainy Day Composition

Rainy Day Composition

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Rainy Day Compostion

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Rainy Day Composition

Still image for this video

Rainy Day Composition

Still image for this video

Rainy day composition

Still image for this video

Rainy day composition

Still image for this video

"Rainy day composition."

Still image for this video
As part of our work investigating percussion instruments, we were composers this week. We worked in small groups and chose instruments to use to represent the story of a rainstorm (sunny - rainy - stormy - rainbow.)

Our story map for a letter based on "The Day the Crayons Quit."

Making our Wacky Racers cars in DT (Spring term 1)

Welcome to the Spring Term!


We've had a great time so far in year 2, especially in the run-up to Christmas with our Key Stage 1 nativity! There is lots more to do in the Spring Term too...we are learning about Victorian life, self portraits, letter writing and many more topics. We will keep working hard at phonics, and in maths we will be finishing off learning about addition and subtraction before we move on to learning about money.


We have a few different student teachers joining us at various points across the term. Make sure you give them a friendly wave when you see them. We are helping them on their journey to becoming teachers, and they are here to support your children in many different ways.


Many thanks,

Mr Stratton

Welcome to Year 2

Mr Stratton is the teacher in Year 2. So far this year, we've learnt about the art of Georges-Seurat and Henri Rousseau. We've learnt all about continents in geography, and about the history of our local area. We really enjoyed learning about how places we know well were used in the past! We've also learnt about animal habitats, and about how animals are adapted to where they live.


We are starting to learn a few songs for our upcoming nativity. Next, we will be learning all about how London has changed through time!


We enjoy sharing stories, and at the moment we are focussing on The Dark by Lemony Snicket and Jon Klassen in our English lessons.

Autumn 1 Newsletter

Autumn 2 newsletter

Spring 1 newsletter
