Albert Village aims to build children’s understanding of the world around them whilst acquiring specific scientific skills and knowledge. This will help them to think scientifically, carry out scientific processes with a growing understanding of the uses and implications of science, today and for the future. We will develop the natural curiosity of children, encourage respect for living organisms and the physical environment and provide opportunities for critical evaluation of evidence. Our Science curriculum encourages respect and care for the natural world, using our grounds wherever possible, and allows children to explore important questions about the world around them. Children build on skills of explaining, justifying, debating and investigating through taking part in a range of scientific processes.
All teachers have access to the RISE scheme of learning. Carefully planned units of learning allow children to deepen their understanding of scientific processes and develop skills that progress throughout their school career. Scientific vocabulary forms a key part of this learning and children are encouraged to use the appropriate terminology in both verbal discussions and written work.
Staff are supported in their teaching of the subject with clear information on what needs to be taught and with suggestions on possible teaching and learning activities for each topic and a Whole School Overview that shows the whole school coverage from Year 1 to Year 6. Cross-curricular links and opportunities are planned throughout the curriculum wherever appropriate. Teachers are clear on the progression of skills and knowledge in Science using our Science Progression Map. Science is taught in blocks and teachers assess the children’s progress and adapt planning as necessary.
As a result of the Science curriculum at Albert Village, our children are prepared to further their knowledge and implementation of scientific processes at KS3 and beyond. Children will be curious about the world around them and ask questions to develop the means to make positive changes for their future. Children will be equipped with the foundations for understanding the world around them and the knowledge of how Science has changed our lives and its future impact.